When we gather our communities around our passions and goals, we create support for ourselves and the issues we care about. Encouraging our friends to get involved in climate conscious action strengthens our collective support for the environment and ourselves. In addressing the climate crisis it is crucial to start small, local and within our own community. In doing this, we start to see the larger picture and how these small steps we choose to take interlace with larger global systems. In the following article, we explore tangible ways you can gather your friends around the climate movement.
Individually we can cause ripples that flow into the larger patterns of the collective. I encourage you to hold onto your community and peers while facing the challenges ahead. Try not to underestimate the power behind a small group of friends' ability to change the world, this is how it's always started. Through building relationships of reciprocity with each other and the planet that sustains us, we garner enough support to carry us into a brighter, greener and more loving future.