The Autumn Equinox invites us into a time of balance essential for reflecting and regenerating. In Autumn, we take time to celebrate the last of the year’s harvests, grateful for the abundance of the Earth’s gifts we share in. I also like to take time to honor and acknowledge the history and ancestors of the land I live on. 

As the business of summer comes to a close, we find a slower pace. Dropping into practices and rituals of nourishment that foster togetherness and community in preparation for the winter season ahead. I am so pleased to be welcoming in this seasonal shift with the Go Gently community, and I hope you enjoy the below rituals with a cup of tea in hand.


My kitchen rituals include honoring the seasons with my ingredients. Seasonal vegetables I like to cook with are carrots, beets, onions, pumpkins, potatoes, brussels sprouts, cabbage, squashes, and mushrooms. Seasonal fruits I find myself craving are apples, pears, cranberries, figs, and quince. Supportive herbs that help me transition from summer to fall include oatstraw, hawthorn, ginger, burdock, and tulsi. This time of year, I like to indulge in pumpkin risotto, share an apple crumble with friends, and cozy up with lots of tea. These foods and herbs help us nourish our nervous, digestive, and circulatory systems as we transition into the cooler months. 


Movement is another important ritual in fall. As the evenings are finally cooling off in California I have been able to enjoy longer walks. Notice where I neglected daily stretching in the busier summer days and try to create more of a routine. Fall is also a time of year I like to connect with the water element. Whether it's swimming in a cool body of water or going out for a surf in the morning I find communing with water in the fall to be both cleansing and energizing. However you move your body this fall, do it with intention and kindness. 


This time of year I often find myself inspired by the earthen hues of Fall. Watching the leaves turn connects me to the season and the land I live on. Some of my favorite trees to keep an eye on depending where I am are red maple, beech, sugar maple, and white oak. Observing the seasonal shift helps me cultivate creativity and inspiration. Fall is a beautiful time to step back from the chaotic and over productive capitalist cultures we find ourselves in. As we watch the leaves turn and fall, nature reminds us to slow down and let go of what is no longer necessary, making space for what is yet to come. A daily question I have been asking myself in this seasonal shift is “how can I slow down more?” 


I personally find that in the summer months practical housekeeping tasks can be quickly pushed aside for time with friends and being outdoors. As I begin to spend a little more time indoors I start to address tasks like mending some clothes that were overly worn and reorganizing and stocking my pantry. My garden also needs some love and attention to prepare for the next season.

However you go about welcoming the seasonal shift, I hope you do it with intention and ease, in a way that cultivates more nourishment and community in your life. 

Love from your fellow Earthling,



