Slowing down, reflecting, going inward: Winter is a season that slows us down and guides us into restorative rest. Winter gifts us these lessons so that we may find practices that allow for our health, creativity, and energy wells to restore. This time of year I love to think about what seeds I am planting for Spring. What do I want to watch grow this year? Where can I cultivate intention to see those ideas come into fruition? 

Like everything in Nature, things must die to become new again. This lesson is especially clear to me in the winter months. Through these practices and rituals I focus on reflection and gratitude as pathways setting me off into my new endeavours and intentions. 


I find myself cooking often during the winter months as things have slowed down and I have more time to enjoy preparing a meal for myself and my loved ones. I tend to focus on warming foods during these cooler months such as nourishing soups, nut roasts, vegetable roasts, and lots of tea. I also love trying new dessert recipes as the holiday season calls for more sweets. This year I’ll be making a Yule Log for the first time. My cooking style in the winter involves staying warm, nourished and satisfied. It's a season that begins with a lot of gathering around meals but then progresses to making more solitary simple meals. When cooking a meal for just yourself remember to show the same care and intention you would if you were cooking for a table of people. 


Movement becomes an essential ally to stay warm in the cooler months. It can be easy to avoid the harsher winter elements but it is important to wrap up warmly and still get out into nature. A brisk walk can keep you just warm enough to enjoy being outdoors for a little while. Another way I get outside in the winter is a refreshing cold plunge in the ocean but for you this might be a river or lake. Followed by immediately curling up in the warmth inside. As winter is such an imperative time for going inward I also like to focus on deep stretching and meditation. Giving myself the time to move slowly allows me to make space for new ideas, intentions, and feelings to emerge. 


A season to go inwards and reflect on the year you have had. A great time to journal about the things you have learnt, let go of and feel grateful for. Maybe even a time if you feel ready to write intentions for the new year. The Winter Solstice is also an excellent time for storytelling and folklore. I love to light a candle and curl up with a good story during this time. Allow for quiet, stillness, and rest as these are the intentions of the season and Mother Nature knows best. 


As you maybe spend more time at home it could be an opportunity to fix and mend things so they can be ready for the year ahead. Maybe mend clothes, electronics, write, knit, take on any crafts you've been meaning to try. Winter is a great season to focus on the home and prepare what you need for the busier seasons of Spring and Summer ahead. I intend to slowly work through a pile of clothes I have been meaning to mend as well as doing repair jobs around the house as we settle into our new home. Winter gives us the opportunity to move slowly and persistently through projects we may have been putting off. Enjoy this time of slowness and preparation to reap the rewards of growth and renewal in the Spring season. 

I hope you find nourishment and reflection in journeys within this Winter season. Be kind to yourself, nurture yourself, and go gently. 

Love for your fellow Earthling, 



